“‘Himself!’ brings James Joyce vividly to life “
“…written by Sheila Walsh…the script often echoes Joyce’s fascination with word sounds. It uses language like paints, dotting the landscape to form a cohesive portrait when viewed in its totality.”
“…Walsh creates her own Joyce prose and lyrics with impressive assurance.”
Hap Erstein – Palm Beach Post
“On the surface Tea with Mommy and Jack is smarmy, foul mouthed and irreverent…by daring to investigate the rage and desperation unleashed in this American mother when her son dares try to follow the biblical injunction to leave his mother and father and cleave to another woman, Walsh unleashes sexual, political, social and linguistic fireworks rarely seen on an American stage.”
“’Tea with Mommy and Jack’ is a spellbinding evening of theater whose subject matter proves as mesmerizing to Sheila Walsh and the Americans she writes for as it did to Sophocles and his Athenians.”
Gary Seibert –The America
“Dorset Theater does first-rate job on Walsh quirky gem “O the Days!’”
“This new play by Sheila Walsh is full of pleasures. The dialogue is fresh, the characters are delightfully quirky and the slight bends in the plot grow out of each other organically.”
“…it’s more than passing entertainment, rather it’s an amusing look at a handful of plucky dreamers, not unlike ourselves.”
Paul Lamar – The Daily Gazette
“Walsh successfully illuminates the devouring drive behind every artist and doesn’t flinch from showing the selfishness and cruelty that spew out when their creative processes are interrupted. This consuming involvement makes Joyce’s failing eyesight and 10 operations all the more moving and tragic.”
Joel Hirschhorn – Variety.com